Case de Sucesso Vale SA Projeto de Combate a Incêndio vale logo 1 e1615231412418


Vale is a Brazilian multinational mining company and one of the largest logistics operators in the country. It is one of the largest mining companies in the world and also the largest producer of iron ore, pellets and nickel.
The company also produces manganese, ferroalloy, copper, bauxite, potassium, kaolin, alumina and aluminium. One of Vale's values is "Life first" and "Make it happen" and this is where Chamatex in partnership with Elfire enters the history of this multinational: saving lives, protecting assets and consequently maintaining the rhythm of production.

Conheça nossa case de sucesso Vale S.A

Case de Sucesso Vale SA Projeto de Combate a Incêndio salobo release2

Fire Engineering Solutions

Every advance that we have had in the area of fire, is due to the use of intelligence, improvement and innovation in the design phase. A well designed project will protect against the tragedies of a fire (deaths and material losses) and will also save a lot of resources for the company.Chamatex in partnership with Elfire has already developed for Vale S.A.The company's main objective is to develop and implement fire detection, alarm and suppression projects, adding efficiency and cost-benefit with intelligence and innovation to electrical substations in masonry, metallic structure, electro-centres and data centres spread throughout the mining area, equipment responsible for all the energy supply of the ore production and information management.


Informações Case de Sucesso Vale S.A

Building type: electrical substations, electro-centres and data centres;
Quantity: 59;
Built up areaof up to 1200 m²;
Height: between 3 and 5 m;
Fire risks: electrical risks, short circuit and electric arc;
Equipment to be protectedHigh, medium and low voltage electrical panels, electrical cables, capacitors, nobreaks, transformers, servers, PLCs;
Bundle of projects provided: equipment layout, interconnection diagram, isometrics and installation details;
Pack of documents provided: solution analysis report, descriptive document, calculation report, technical specification of services and equipment, data sheets, list of materials and equipment and investment estimate;
Software usedAutoCad, FDS (Fire Dynamics Simulation), software for dimensioning fire suppression agents.


Vale's main needs

🗁 Minimise the risk of accidental triggering of the suppression agent;
🗁 Minimise disruption with equipment stoppages due to the occurrence of fires;
🗁 To have an optimised and efficient system for each building scenario;
🗁 Development of Fire Detection and Suppression Projects;
🗁 Avoid damage to main equipment, reducing replacement costs and production stoppage.



Given the scenario and the need, working within the national and international fire engineering standards, Elfire developed and presented to Vale the solutions described below:
Analysis of fire history and risksin order to map the process failures and correct them still in the design phase, EVERYTHING BEGINS WITH PROJECT;
🗁 Analysis of existing solutions in the market seeking efficiency and cost benefit;;
🗁 Development of Detection ProjectsWe offer a wide range of products and services in the field of fire prevention, alarm and fire suppression with quality and intelligence in protection;
🗁 Study and validation of the solution to minimise the risks with accidental triggering of the suppression agent.