Caminhão Amarelo Offroad carregando minério e possui sistema de supressão de incêndio Ansul

Firefighting for Off Road Machinery and Trucks

The brand  ANSUL®  includes a full range of special risk products, Fire Fighting for Machines and Off Road Trucksincluding fire detection / fire fighting systems, extinguishing agents and portable fire extinguishers.

The Products of  ANSUL  They are created in the Centre for Technology fire from  ANSUL One of the World's Most Extensive Fire Research and Testing Facilities. A global network of over 1,000 trained product support distributors from  ANSUL .

In response to the need for the mining industry to Fire Fighting for Machines and Off Road Trucks ANSUL's first vehicle fire fighting systems were launched and introduced in the 1960s.

As mining equipment has evolved in size and complexity, they have faced or challenged, providing firefighting equipment to meet these needs.

Dry chemical system LT-A-101

Você física sistemas químicos secos com cartucho LT-A-101 em equipamentos mais pesados do que qualquer outra marca – e por boas razões. Esses sistemas resistentes à corrosão são selecionados para serem usados em ambientes mais hostis e operados em temperaturas extremas que variam de -65 a 210 ° F (-54 a 99 ° C). 

Agent containers are available in 13.6, 56.7 and 113.4 kg (30.65 and 250 lb) capacities to suit a variety of applications. Detected expellant gas cartridges are tested to detect a leak rate of only 1/4 ounce. (7g) over 127 years!

Liquid agent system LVS ™

In response to the need for a system that provides rapid cooling capabilities, an Ansul developed or LVS liquid agent system. LVS wet chemical agent is stored in 5, 15 or 30 gallon (114L) tanks connected to nitrogen expellant cartridges. 

Apart from its cooling power, such as liquid, or the LVS agent, the same path to fuel is not required, these locations are difficult to access to combat other methods. LVS system components are corrosion resistant, built for environments faced to operate within a temperature range of -40 to 49 °C (-40 to 120 °F).

Firefighting for off-road machinery and trucks: Detection and actuation systems

For 24-hour protection, or CHECKFIRE system, automatic operation of detection, alarm, equipment shutdown and fire suppression systems. Its sealed environmental control module is shock and vibration resistant and features an independent internal power supply (and/or external power connection), automatic check diagnostics and supervised circuits. The CHECKFIRE range consists of models 110, 210, SC-N, MP-N.


Os equipamentos pesados e robustos frigoríficos com desafios substanciais de segurança contra incêndio, exigindo muitas vezes um investimento significativo na proteção da vida e da propriedade. O Sistema de Detecção e Atuação ANSUL® CHECKFIRE 110 oferece a detecção e a atuação da zona única e econômica para veículos usados usados nas condições ambientais e extremas de indústrias como mineração, silvicultura, disposição de resíduos, aviação e trânsito.


The CHECKFIRE 210 automatic detection and activation system captures supervised input / output circuits to activate an ANSUL® fire fighting system. Upon detection of a fire condition, either the active interface control module or the release circuit, obtain on discharge of an expellant gas cartridge, initiate a fire suppression system operation.

Green, yellow and / or red pulsing LEDs, and an internal siren notifying the operator of the system status. The siren is activated only for faults, isolation mode and system release.

The operating components or display module, interface control module, thermal detectors, linear detectors, electric actuators, extended actuation devices (PAD), electric pneumatic actuators and cables for actuation, detection and release circuits. The entire system is based on electronics for supervision, communication and control of the system components.

Leia também: Sistema de supressão para veículos Off Road


The CHECKFIRE SC-N electrical detection and actuation system detected fire in equipment risk areas. Its exclusive actuator allows the actuation of a fire fighting system triggered pneumatically, manually or automatically.

The CHECKFIRE SC-N system is normally used with an ANSUL A-101 compacted vehicle fire fighting system for 24-hour equipment protection. The system is particularly suitable for protecting equipment subject to physical and environmental conditions, such as Off-Road vehicles used in forestry, mining, agriculture, construction, public transport, utilities, landfill and waste disposal.

The control module can be used as a stand-alone system, powered by its own internal site battery. This allows the detection system to operate 24 hours a day without the use of external power. Optionally, an external power can be connected to the control module. With an external power connected, a secure internal battery backup power source. 

When connected to an external 24/24 VDC source with internal battery also connected, an external power source becomes a main source, while an internal source is kept in standby operation mode.


The CHECKFIRE® MP-N electrical detection and actuation system detected fire in hazardous areas of the equipment. Its exclusive actuator allows the actuation of a fire fighting system triggered pneumatically, manually or automatically.

The CHECKFIRE MP-N system is normally used with an ANSUL® A-101Vehicle fire suppression system for 24-hour equipment protection. The system is particularly suitable for protecting equipment subject to physical and environmental conditions. The design of the system is in compliance with the "Safety standards for underground coal mines - MSHA, title 30: part 75".

The control module can be used as a stand-alone system, powered by its own internal site battery. This allows the detection system to operate 24 hours a day without the use of external power.

The control module can be installed where an ambient temperature is between -40°C to 60°C (-40°F to 140°F).

Two is better than one

The combined performance of the A-101 / LVS two-agent fire suppression system maintains the best protection. While the FORAY dry chemical knocks down like flames, the LVS agent cools like surrounding areas, minimising the possibility of reflash.

The System of Fire Fighting for Machines and Off Road Trucks can be used as protection for large and off-road mining and construction equipment such as large ladders / shovels, tow lines, haul trucks and wheelers.

The system also protects underground mining equipment and special vehicles such as slag carriers and/or slabs and tunnel boring machines, as well as waste management equipment and forestry vehicles.

The FORAY multi-purpose dry chemical agent can be used to combat damage to common chemical materials such as wood, fabric, paper, rubber and many plastics (Class A), as well as burns to flammable substances, gases and greases (Class B) and damage caused. energized electrical equipment (class C).

LVS agent is a wet chemical agent that is a unique blend of ingredients and ingredients, including surface actives. This mixture provides a strong freeze protection measure, associated with a foaming property associated with class B agents.

The agent flows easily into areas where flammable substances may be deposited. It removes fire suppression and top cooling from superheated surfaces while copper or fuel and eliminates oxygen to help prevent reflash.

A combination of two agents used by FM has been proven effective in applications where superheated equipment, such as a turbo compressor, is used.

Call and count on the most reliable and efficient distributor for: 

Fire Pro, aerossol, supressão por aerossol

For more information on how to get in touch with the best distributorCall Elfire on the following number: (11) 3280.8097. If you prefer, write to:

Somos uma empresa distribuidora de Sistemas de Incêndio Aerossol, e que realiza projetos de Firepro e sistemas de combate a incêndio para empresas.

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Picture of Adalberto Souza
Adalberto Souza

Specialist in fire suppression systems in off-road machinery and trucks.