Technical Standards of the State of Rio de Janeiro
Administrative procedures for regularisation and supervision

Administrative procedures for regularisation and supervision
Part 1 - Regularisation

Administrative Procedures for Regularisation and Supervision
Part 2 (Supervision)

Fire and panic safety terminology

Graphic symbols for fire and panic safety projects

Classification of buildings and risk areas as to fire risk

Previous buildings - Adaptation to COSCIP

Administrative Procedure in process for normative adequacy
Fire extinguisher protection system

Fire extinguisher protection system

Systems hydrants and fire hoses for fire fighting Fire

Automatic sprinkler systems - Part 1: General requirements

Automatic showers and sprinkler systems - Part 2: Storage areas

Pressurisation set for fire fighting systems

Fire and panic safety signage

Emergency Lighting

Fire detection and fire alarm system

Emergency exits in buildings

Pressurisation of emergency ladders, antechambers and refuge areas

Fire and Panic Emergency Plan (PECIP)

Fire brigades

Lightning protection system (SPDA)

Fixed gas systems for fire fighting

Smoke control

Urban hydrant

Car access to buildings

Separation between buildings

Horizontal and vertical partitioning

Structural fire safety - Fire resistance of two construction elements

Control of finishing and coating materials
Professional cooking

Professional cooking

Gas (LPG/GN) - Land use

Electricity generators in buildings and risk areas

Electricity substations

Boilers and pressure vessels

Storage of flammable and combustible liquids

Helipad and Heliport
Kiosks and areas for the exhibition or sale of products and services

Kiosks and areas for the exhibition or sale of products and services

Buildings intended to restrict freedom

Listed buildings

Ammunition, explosives and pyrotechnics - Manufacture, storage and trade

Gas (LPG/GN) - Handling, storage and commercialization

Service stations and vehicle supply

Buildings and structures for garages

Patios for various storage facilities


Construction site
Sports centres, exhibition events.

Sports centres, exhibition events.

Pyrotechnic events

Floats, trios and sound cars

Temporary public gathering events

Medical care for public gathering events